Let's Get Real About Greenwashing

Greenwashing is a tricky topic.
“Sustainably made”, “non-toxic,” “biodegradable,” “eco-friendly,” “environmentally friendly”…
These words seem to be everywhere,


And greenwashing is a real thing.

Imbued uses descriptive earth conscious vocabulary often.
But also explains that being an ethical + sustainable fashion brand is complex.

The main issues considered are:
. H U M A N  T R E A T M E N T
. A G R I C U L T U R E
. W A T E R  U S A G E
. T O X I C  C H E M I C A L S
. P L A S T I C
. G A R M E N T  L I F E C Y C L E
. C A R B O N  F O O T P R I N T  
For example…
As pros and cons are weighed for Imbued’s next piece,
The scale tips towards using USA grown and milled organic cotton.
Too many garments come from materials grown in one country, milled in another country and sewn in another,
Racking an average 2500 miles before you even wear it.


Homegrown and sewn is an “eco-conscious” match with its lower CARBON FOOTPRINT.
And using USA organic cotton SUPPORTS OUR FARMERS that use crop rotation and AVOID CHEMICAL PESTICIDES.
Even though certain chemicals are allowed in organic farming,  
It’s still a better option compared to the toxic cocktails sprayed on conventional crops. 

Another “eco-conscious” detail considered,

Is organic cotton usually requires more WATER and LAND use than conventional cotton.

Though partly true,

It is misleading because every growing season is different, every farm land is unique, and water use varies greatly.


As you can see, dear free-spirtied reader,

The process of offering a “sustainably-made” product takes extra attention to detail and consideration.
And it’s important for a brand to cultivate transparency and create room for discussion,

So greenwashing isn't a question.

There are no black and white answers,

But keeping "green" in mind with each decision will always help lead the way.
Because Earth is what we have in common,
It's what feeds, shelters and clothes us all...

And it's kinda a big deal that we make the best ‘eco-conscious' decisions,

One choice at a time.

From my bold heart to yours...
Aloha Nui & A Hui Hou,


Chief Creative Instigator of Imbued

P. S. ... Help spread the ethical fashion love by sending this email to a friend.

Kristin Brown