Who's Carbon Footprint Is Bigger?

Wanna compare who’s is bigger? I’m talking about our carbon footprint of course. Because "Tis the Season" of mass consumption and I hope to help make our environmental footprint a little smaller.

So are you game to ride the Opt-Out October no plastic wave into December's Conscious Consumerism Challenge?

You “win” just by making any and all small acts of radical consumer change...

Because smog, traffic, powerplants, irresponsible horticulture and billowing smokestacks from factories are gaseously heating up the atmosphere and warming the globe.


Not often enough do we stop and think before we purchase something how the clothes we wear, the toothbrush we use, the containers our packaged food comes in or the gifts we give play a role in this picture.

Our seemingly insatiable demand to buy more clothes, home goods, trinkets and toys continues to grow at a rate that's inflaming the planet just like a bad ulcer.

Which brings up the question...

What do you think about Ethical, Environmentally-Conscious Consumerism?

  1. That it’s for people who have money.

  2. It takes too much time.

  3. You don’t really care, it’s too late.

  4. It’s a lie.

  5. None of the above.

Truth is,

For generations, we’ve been programmed to consume, and from fast food to fast fashion, we've mastered the practice.

And while some or many of your ideas about Conscious Consumerism may match the 1-5 items above…

One thing is for sure,

Sustainable + Ethical consumerism is not perfect but it’s POSSIBLE.

Conscious Consumerism is a choice and a change that you can actually feel within you. A thriving, happier YOU empowered by your actions, feeling so damn good for doing what’s right.


So whether you decide to totally forgo any future trips to the fast fashion stores, "There's a reason that a shirt only cost you $5, and it's because somewhere along the line, someone is losing out'." - ABC Life Article

Brush your pearly whites with a bamboo toothbrush," Now, in any given Hawaii beach cleanup…it's not uncommon to pick up 20 or even 100 toothbrushes." – National Geographic

Do some bag bringing grocery slinging at the checkout, “Plastic bags are cheap and convenient, but they’re a scourge on the planet….” - Huffington Post

Or decide to be an Eco-Conscious Gift Giver…"By purchasing locally, you can reduce processing and packaging, and the generation of transportation waste." - Fundera Blog

Point is, the more we remember that the most important things are our health, the vitality of our planet and the quality of our interactions with those around us, the more we realize that being an Ethical, Earth-Conscious Consumer is not a title or a trend…

It’s a re-evaluating of what's important.

Note: For eco-conscious gift-giving ideas check out Sustainably Chic’s blog.

Kristin Brown