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Promoting art + wellness through natural fibers, natural dyes, natural foods, sustainable, slow living style

Slow Made Style

Inspiring healthier habits through art + wellness experiences

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Welcome to Imbued,

A boutique maker offering events and goods that highlight natural dye and natural foods.


Because the real price of synthetic clothing and processed food comes at a high cost.

  • 86% of fashion brands aren’t paying a living wage to their workers.

  • 8,000+ synthetic chemicals used in clothing and food industries pose a risk to health.

  • The US population has the highest rate of multiple chronic health conditions and obesity.


We feel you.

Slowing down and making healthy choices isn’t the easiest.


 But making one conscious choice at a time is.


Conscious offerings made for you…

As a slow style maker, Imbued offers

  • Limited collections of ethically produced, artisanal clothing.

  • Natural dye workshops to immerse and explore healthy art

  • Art + wellness dining events

    And best of all, choices that are designed for the agent of change within you.

(Note: New events introduced regularly, sign-up below for updates.) 


Healthy and creative experiences,

imbued with values to match yours.

(See upcoming events)


Why is Imbued a Slow-Fashion brand?  Find Out

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Because feeling good can be your own art form

And motivation for others!


It’s more than just a style…

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verb/ - inspired by a feeling or infused with a special quality. Synonyms: saturate, diffuse, bathe, instill