Congruency Is Key

Congruency is being agreeable, being in harmony, being in-tune.

How many of you have friends that aren’t on social media or don’t watch the news? 🤚🏽

In many ways these choices are smart and allow for congruency in a person's life.  However, social media has connected masses of people in important ways. Using these newer technological platforms to share news is obviously very powerful. 


So what if the digital sensory information we took in daily had a brighter side to it?  


I recently listened to a discussion where it was said that humans can take in more devastating and frightening news in a day than in a lifetime of someone who lived many years ago.


Would you agree we have a choice of what info to focus on?

We can choose to pay attention to information that helps our light shine or dims it.  You can be informed but not "lose yourself down the rabbit hole". 

I recently attended a first time Peace Festival here on Kauai.  I helped at the event for 4 days.  I hardly touched my phone during the entire time.   I did yoga, ate fresh food, listened to amazing speakers and uplifting music, danced, cleansed off in the ocean, and quite profoundly sat in a prayer circle twice daily to collectively pray for local and global peace.

I have never felt so clear, open and confident about the power we have collectively when undiscriminated by race, gender or religion to make leaps and bounds of goodness in the future.  I saw a possibility that most people have no idea exists.

So what if social media and the media could capture more of these events taking place?  You see that's exactly part of the plan with building Imbued.  But as much as building my brand through social media is key I also want to draw attention to the fact we need to spend more time unplugged from it.

I don't plan as Imbued grows to post more daily content.  What I do post will be very intentional, uplifting, educational and motivating. I want to both document and share the good happening in the world through the non-profits Imbed supports and capture forms of beauty often over looked. 

One piece out of many for this creative endeavor is to share images of women wearing Imbued robes, from young to old, short to tall, small to big, dark to fair.  These images will embody the beauty of the feminine human experience in all its facets.  

So for now I leave you with a gem that has been mind altering and spirit boosting. For over a month everyday I’ve been listening to a Youtube channel called Video Advice.  I HIGHLY recommend getting your dose of it.  It is a strong example of how technology can be used to provide uplifting information.

Here's one of the links:

Behind the scene updates on Imbued robes will be coming soon!  Slow and steady I go and I couldn't be more thankful to have you along for the adventure...

P.S. Checkout Amber Lily's new album called Wild on Spotify!  She's an outstanding local Kauai musician that performed at the Peace Festival.  I've had the album on repeat for a week now. 

Kristin Brown